Public Safety / Security

The information obtained from the air using drones provides a more accurate picture of the scene. It has helped to dramatically increase the effectiveness of search and rescue missions.

Search & Rescue

With the increasing popularity of leisure activities in river areas, mountain trekking, and swimming, not only severe climate-related accidents are occurring.
Search and rescue by drones not only enables us to locate victims as soon as possible, but also to give quick rescue orders and understand the disaster situation by information from the sky.

In the Mountains

Mt. Fuji sees a record number of climbers almost every year. The number of tourists participating in the event is high, and so is the number of mountain accidents. We cooperate with local police and fire departments to deploy our drone for search & rescue missions in the mountain.

Crowd and Venue Monitoring

Monitoring from the sky by drone is an effective way to provide security at high volume leisure facilities, stadiums and other critical facilities.
By using multiple drones, you can monitor the entire area from a bird's eye view and track suspicious individuals. When our system detects a suspicious person, having our drone rushed to the scene and track the person.

Post Disaster Assessment

n the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and heavy rains, a quick assessment of the situation is necessary.
PRODRONE has excellent wind resistance and all-weather aircrafts (with some exceptions). This makes it possible to operate the aircraft in a short period of time after the disaster occurs.
LED searchlight is also available as an option for night flights.

Use Cases

Conducted a security experiment with multiple units at Saitama Stadium

Search and Rescue mission at the scene of a water accident

Auto Takeoff & Landing from moving vessel

Combined multiple drones for venue security management system