Tokyo-Japan, January 22, 2018 – CTO Sugaki joined in panel discussion titled Future Society Created by Drones at The 2nd Kaze to Nagare no Platform Symposium (Wind and Stream Platform Symposium) in Akiba Hall (Chiyoda, Tokyo).
This symposium hosted by Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology was held to introduce advanced framework, themed the Collaboration of Wind Tunnel Test and Fluids Simulations. CTO Sugaki together with Kazunori Takahashi, enRoute Co., Ltd., Satoshi Washiya, Autonomous Control Systems Laboratory Ltd., Kazunori Ono, Tohoku University discussed Future Society Created by Drones, served Kenya Harada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency as moderator.
After introduction of each company’s activities, they discussed various themes such as how wind stream affect drone design and the further research.